L’appartenance au groupe et l’utilisation du logo “Oral design” est un signe distinctif, un agrément, une reconnaissance du savoir être et du savoir faire d’une personne en particulier et non d’un établissement dans son ensemble.

Ces aptitudes et compétences sont approuvées et validées par le fondateur du groupe oraldesign, Willi Geller : Maître prothésiste suisse (Zurich).

Oral design International Foundation est constitué de plus de 130 membres prothésistes dentaires installés partout dans le monde se rejoignent autour d’une même philosophie, d’une même qualité de travail, de partage de connaissances et de service rendu au patient.

Photo de JM Etienne et Willi GellerCarte JM EtienneCarte Willi Geller
Photo de JM Etienne
Jean Marc Étienne est membre Oral design.

Il a reçu cette distinction en 1989 et participe à la vie du groupe avec conviction.

It’s one man and two words.

Its a passion, a sense of sharing values and feelings.

It’s a seed that became a tree.

Fruits ripening of the rhythm of the seasons of the entire planet.

The blazing red hyphen of a logo proudly dsiplayed as a human and professional recognition.

Whoever obtains it knows whom they owe it to : to their righteousness, to their hard word, and to the eye of a Master.

The human adventure is second to none. It is unique and singular, as is the one who imagined it and gave it life.

The one who forgets their roots never goes very far or gets lost.

May this identity logo always remind usof the kindness with which Willi Geller, our Maestro, attribued to each and every one of us.

Let us be proud of the symbol; young and less young let’s wear it far and brillantly.

Our humble contribution to the art of Dentisty exalts itself in leafing through the pages that Willi wrote, the paths he paved and the values he passed on.

Each and every one of us has in her, in him a sense of fulfillment thanks to the special relationship kept with him. It is the translation of gratitude. It lives with us and accompanies us.